Funding the Great Border Wall

By Lowell Ponte

“Good fences make good neighbors.” – Robert Frost, poet

President Donald Trump’s proposed wall on America’s southern border, say Progressive critics, is “a medieval solution to a 21st Century problem.”

img_0495But much of our current problem comes from a Progressive welfare state that allows illegal aliens to pick our taxpayers’ pockets while contributing little or nothing to our country. Much comes from Leftist eagerness to overwhelm our democracy with illegal voters who do not share our values, giving permanent power to Democrats rejected by Americans. California is preparing to make the voter registration of illegals virtually automatic this coming April Fools’ Day.

Much of our current problem comes from globalist Progressives who want to erase national boundaries and replace our free market American nation with world government. The formerly-Golden state California – home to one-third of America’s welfare recipients and one-quarter of its illegal aliens – is the model of our Progressive authoritarian future, unless President Trump’s wall can change this.

The Senate’s Democratic leader Charles Schumer offered President Trump far less than one-tenth the money needed for this wall, then quickly withdrew his meager offer after illegal immigrant “dreamer” radical protestors attacked him and stormed his home. They demanded that his party grant them immediate, unconditional citizenship and cease all bargaining with the President. Senator Schumer quickly took the side of self-righteous illegals against law-abiding, tax-paying U.S. citizens. The Democrats ceased to be an American political party when they became globalist and embraced their President Barack Obama’s new allegiance as a “citizen of the world.”

If neither the country of Mexico nor the Democratic Party will agree to pay for the border wall, President Trump does have other ways and means of doing so. He and the Republican Party, for example, could impose a 20 percent tax or tariff on imports, which would be paid in part by Americans in higher prices, to have “Mexico pay for the wall.” Better, we could impose a “border adjustment tax.”

Mr. Trump could restrict or tax the more than $28 Billion paid as remittances to relatives in Mexico each year, mostly by illegal aliens in the U.S. This is among the top sources of Mexican revenue, and a significant fraction of it comes directly or indirectly from social benefits we pay to illegals. In 2009 Oklahoma began a small wire transfer fee that by 2017 had raised more than $67.2 Million for a drug-control fund. Seized illicit Mexican drug cartel money could also be used to help fund the wall.

Mexico could “pay” for the wall by revenue it loses from drugs, remittances, exports, and American taxpayers by stemming the flood of illegals. Americans could benefit from buying “Wall Bonds,” akin to war bonds, to stop such invaders. We could sell naming rights and advertising along urban sections of the wall. We could make donations for the wall tax-deductible, or allow tax credits. If the wall cost $25 Billion, that would be only a one-time cost of about $78 for each of 323 million Americans – or around $310 for a family of four.

American Thinker pundit Rufus Dickerson proposes “crowdfunding” the wall, which if paid for only by 62 million Trump voters would cost each $396. Many will think it worth that much to keep our country from being taken over, and to save it from perpetual rule by globalist Progressives.

“Dreamers” brought here as children are beginning to embrace President Trump’s offer of a path to citizenship for 1.8 million of them in exchange for building his wall, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. Walls work; Israel’s new wall has reduced terrorist attacks by up to 95 percent, and China is now expanding its ancient Great Wall along the border with North Korea. Even Mexico enforces a strong, modern barrier on its southern border with Guatemala to deter illegals.

The latest Progressive scam argues that Trump’s wall would harm the environment by impeding animal migration. A few years ago, Sierra Club activists debated the terrible ecological harm being done in the U.S. by a non-stop tsunami of immigrants – but the left-of-center organization decided to favor illegal immigrants over the environment. Why does the media never mention Obama’s ideological order ending “wet foot-dry foot” residency for Cuban Latinos fleeing communism – and inclined to vote Republican? For Leftists, today’s illegals are merely a means to their sinister ends.
To schedule an interview with Lowell Ponte, a former Reader’s Digest editor and talk show host, contact: Sandy Frazier at 516-735-5468 or email

For a free copy of Craig R. Smith and Lowell Ponte’s latest book, Money, Morality & The Machine, contact: David Bradshaw at 602-918-3296 or email him at

Will Americans Soon Be Totally De-Voted?

By Lowell Ponte

We all know why Democrats were eager to use a government shutdown to force a path to citizenship for Latino aliens called “Dreamers” who were brought here at age 16 or younger by illegal alien parents.

20180119hunter_s878x688These DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) “kids” are a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s electoral success,” wrote former Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri in a memo from the left-of-center Center for American Progress Action Fund. No wonder President Barack Obama imposed DACA by what he admitted was an unconstitutional Executive Order after Congress refused to enact it into law.

Now up to 36 years of age and numbering up to 3.6 million, these potential voters are inclined to vote two-to-one in favor of Democrats. Democrats thus far have refused to negotiate whether Dreamers, if made legal immigrants, can sponsor their parents and other relatives as legal residents and, soon thereafter, voting U.S. citizens…moving them ahead of other applicants.

Amnestied Dreamers could bring 36 million people or more with lower-than-average education and skill into the United States. Such “chain migration” accounts for 61 percent of the 33 million immigrants who have come here over the past 35 years – picked not by Americans but by U.S. immigrants to advantage their own kin. (The U.S. also picks many immigrants by a random lottery, not by their qualifications.)

Roughly 55 percent of such immigrants go on various kinds of taxpayer assistance, dependent on Big Government and inclined to vote for the Big Government political party. The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has calculated that the typical illegal immigrant family costs roughly $17,500 more per year than it pays in taxes.

Non-citizens are roughly 8.4 percent of all U.S. adults and, according to CIS, commit about two and a half times more non-immigration crimes than their share of the population, including 31.5 percent of drug convictions, 17.8 percent of economic crimes, and 12.8 percent of auto thefts.

Many of these Dreamers could begin voting this year. On April Fool’s Day, the State of California launches what its Department of Motor Vehicles calls “exciting changes” that will provide automatic voter registration to anyone getting a California Driver License, without requiring any evidence of citizenship such as a birth certificate. California law prohibits asking voters at a polling place for an I.D. In other words, the once-Golden State, rushing its new law, is de facto letting non-citizens vote in the 2018 elections.

Democrats in control of California and 11 other states refused to provide voter data to President Donald Trump’s commission looking into voter fraud. Because of their refusal, the commission was unable to function. Those registered to vote under the new California law can check that they want only to vote by mail, so they need never show up at a polling place.

Meanwhile, as Judicial Watch reported on January 19, holdovers from President Obama’s administration are giving a new flood of illegal aliens, including children, free commercial air transportation throughout the United States to wherever they wish to go. These “undocumented immigrants” are being given boarding priority over all other passengers, including law enforcement personnel and U.S. citizens.

DACA is in the Spanish idiom toma y daca, “give and take.” American taxpayers give, and the Democrat-privileged “Dreamers” take, turning our nation into a nightmare where we shall soon be outvoted – or “de-voted,” as Craig R. Smith and I detail in our book Money, Morality & The Machine – and looted by a calculated coup d’etat using aliens, much like ancient Rome.

The Democrats may promise anything to gerrymander the voter rolls with their illegal immigrant Supermajority. As soon as they turn America into a one-party state, as Mexico has been for most of its history, they can tear down any promised border wall or deal to end chain migration. Republicans will sink into the dust of history, along with our Republic.
To schedule an interview with Lowell Ponte, a former Reader’s Digest editor & Californian, contact: Sandy Frazier at 516-735-5468 or email

For a free copy of Craig R. Smith and Lowell Ponte’s latest book, Money, Morality & The Machine, contact: David Bradshaw at 602-918-3296 or email him at

Aloha Apocalypse – How Prepared Are You?

By Lowell Ponte 

“Ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii,” said the warning sent Saturday morning to 1.4 million island state residents. “Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill.”

But the terrifying alert from Hawaii’s Emergency Management Agency was the result of a test in which “an employee pushed the wrong button” during a shift change, Governor David Ige (D) later announced.

Within three minutes the U.S. Pacific Command confirmed that North Korea had launched no missile at Hawaii, so cool and steady President Donald Trump continued his golf game in Florida.

In Hawaii, however, the badly-mismanaged, state-caused alert spread for 38 minutes before being fully countermanded. Residents are accustomed to dire warnings, such as the tsunami warning that once caught my wife and me on Maui. This is also the state struck by Japanese warplanes at Pearl Harbor in 1941, so Hawaiians have contemplated a nuclear sneak attack by another Asian power.

On Saturday, some ran for the nearest bomb shelter. Many were afraid or philosophical. “I sat on my couch and opened up the sliding door and watched TV and listened to music,” said 24-year-old PGA golfer Justin Thomas. “I was like ‘there’s nothing I can do. If it’s my time, it’s my time.’”

Leftist Hollywood celebrities rushed to deflect blame from Democrats to President Trump. “This Hawaii missile scare is on YOU Mr. Trump,” tweeted actress Jamie Lee Curtis, “…on YOUR ARROGANCE, HUBRIS, NARCISSISM, RAGE, EGO, IMMATURITY and your UNSTABLE IDIOCY….YOU DID THIS!”

One hates to confuse Tony Curtis’ daughter with facts, but the reason lunatic North Korea has nukes is Jimmy Carter, who when acting as emissary from President Bill Clinton promised that the United States would not halt Communist North Korea’s nuclear program – and would, instead, provide its dictatorial dynasty with billions of dollars in aid.

Former President Carter, who was given a Nobel Peace Prize to “kick the shins” of Republicans (said the head of the prize committee), also helped topple key American ally the Shah of Iran, which put today’s apocalyptic Ayatollahs in power. This begat the Iran-Iraq war with more than half a million dead, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the rise of Al-Qaeda, and the 9-11 destruction of the World Trade Center and other targets that killed thousands of Americans.

President Barack Obama, another Democrat Peace Prize winner, likewise gave Iran’s enemies of America billions in cash and an agreement that we would not undermine their ambitions to acquire nuclear weapons and ignite global terrorism. Obama also reneged on putting U.S. anti-missile weapons in Poland to defend the U.S. against Iranian ballistic missiles.

Remember that if nuclear missile attacks become real – God forbid! – that former Presidents Carter, Clinton, and Obama are to blame. And when you see Mika Brzezinski attacking President Trump on MSNBC, remember that her father was President Carter’s National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who proposed that our Persian Gulf fleet shoot down Israeli warplanes if they tried to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities.

What could make us safer today? America needs to become more decentralized, resilient, and self-reliant, not dependents on ever-bigger, more centralized government handouts that could vanish in national emergencies. We should stockpile enough food, water, and other supplies (as Sweden just recommended) that we can live through at least a three-month “civil emergency” without relying on the government or its un-backed paper fiat money to sustain us. We need to become more like America’s Founders. If we do this, the warning of Hawaii could prove to be a sobering blessing.


To schedule a fascinating interview with Lowell Ponte, a former Reader’s Digest Roving Editor and think tank futurist, contact: Sandy Frazier at 516-735-5468 or email .

For a free copy of Craig R. Smith and Lowell Ponte’s latest book, Money, Morality & The Machine, contact: David Bradshaw at 602-918-3296 or email him at .

2018 Predictions – Part Three Ice and Fire: Coming Weather & Climate

By Lowell Ponte

Lowell Ponte is a veteran think tank futurist and author of the prophetic book The Cooling about global climate.

Days ago, as the Northeast was battered by some of the coldest weather in a century, global warming huckster Al Gore claimed that the chill was a sign that Earth is getting warmer, not colder. Gore is being deceptive.

Global warmists say that snow happens when warmth evaporates water into the air, where it freezes into snow. The weather bomb remembered as the March Blizzard of 1888 buried New York City in snowdrifts 30 feet deep. But January 2018’s record cold caused relatively little snow. It was mostly just Arctic cold that could cause frostbite in minutes, or even death.

741Severe cold is far more frightening than global warming. It is evidence that Earth’s climate may be returning to “normal,” which is much, much colder than the 20th Century’s balmy climate (defined as a 30-year averaging of weather). We soon may pray for ways we can warm the planet.

The Sun, our star, largely controls Earth’s climate. We used to assume its radiance was constant, but recent research shows that our Sun’s output flickers slightly, like a candle.

Some of this subtle change is cyclic: during the 11.4-year average sunspot cycle, our star emits a wee bit less energy when magnetic sunspots are few, as they are today. From 1645 until 1715, the Maunder Minimum, astronomers recorded few sunspots – and severe cold and dryness devastated Europe. The River Thames froze, letting locals walk across its ice from one side of London to the other.

Dr. John A. Eddy studied another solar cycle in which roughly every 1,000 years the Sun seems to turn up its thermostat for a period of around 150 years, then rapidly cools, causing Earth to plunge back to drastically colder temperatures. Such periods of what Eddy called “Solar Maxima” happened around the time of Jesus, then during the Viking expansion around 900 A.D., and most recently around 1850 A.D., lasting into our own time.

This latest period of a warmer-than-usual Sun, if Eddy’s cycle continues, is now overdue to end abruptly. What could this change be like? Like recent weather.

In the 1,200s, sea ice in the North Atlantic began moving south, marking the start of the “Little Ice Age” that lasted until around 1850, during which Eskimos landed their fishing kayaks in northern Scotland. During the American Revolution, the ports of Boston, New York, and Philadelphia often froze shut in winter, and Valley Forge was nightmarishly cold.

We might now be returning to this “normal” American climate. It could soon be economically far more costly to grow food and keep ourselves warm. Today the Northeast shivers while California’s Sierras get little snow – setting the stage for Golden State blazes to come…a future of ice and fire.

Why do Al Gore and others claim our world is warming? As Craig R. Smith and I document in our latest book Money, Morality & The Machine, two United Nations climate officials have acknowledged that the global warming agenda is political, not environmental. Its goal, one admitted, is to replace capitalism with globalist Progressive collectivism and to “redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.”

Just as leaked emails exposed deceit in the 2016 election, leaked “Climategate” emails between warming-advocate scientists exposed their boasting to one another about how they have rigged data to “hide the decline” in world temperatures and prevented non-warmist scientists from being published in key journals. Vice President Al Gore fired government scientists who disagreed with him. Stifling free inquiry and rigging public discussion is not legitimate or honest science…and has created a widespread bitter chill of distrust towards both our science and our government.
To schedule a fascinating interview with Lowell Ponte, a former Reader’s Digest Roving Editor, contact: Sandy Frazier at 516-735-5468 or email .

For a free copy of Craig R. Smith and Lowell Ponte’s latest book, Money, Morality & The Machine, contact: David Bradshaw at 602-918-3296 or email him at .